SARA Title III and Managing Your Hazardous Waste

This article provides an overview of SARA Title III, including its requirements, penalties, and how it is applied at the local level. It also provides tips for businesses on how to comply with the law. Businesses or industries that store, produce, or transport harmful chemicals and materials are subject to reporting requirements, specifically the EPA’s […]

Cloud-Based Platforms, A Leading Trend in the Waste Management Industry

Undoubtedly, the major trend across the waste management industry involves digitization. Specifically, cloud-based. Not only are there the usual 21st-century competitive pressures to streamline businesses via comprehensive software solutions. But privacy and security concerns necessitate a single point of control for managing the data demanded by the EPA and other environmental authorities. This blog entry […]

How to Prepare For an EPA Audit

This entry discusses what to expect during an EPA audit, what records you will be required to produce, and how the right software can ease the process. Picture an EPA surprise audit. Then imagine two scenarios. In one, a red-faced COO tries frantically to answer the inspectors’ myriad of questions. He is frenetically shuffling through […]

Incinerator Shortage Continues to Challenge Hazmat Generators

C-suite executives are still scrambling to develop compensatory strategies for getting hazmat offsite and incinerated within mandated RCRA timeframes. And so are their lieutenants: the compliance officers, operations managers, and EHS professionals charged with the tactical nitty-gritty of getting the job done efficiently, safely, and legally. This blog entry reviews the problem and discusses some […]

How to Maximize the Benefits of the E-Manifest System (FAQ)

waste manifest software

This article explains how the potential benefits of the EPA e-Manifest can be realized and maximized by using software specifically developed for hazardous waste generators and waste service providers. It is written particularly for hazmat professionals who need to make strategic decisions regarding the mandatory adoption of the e-Manifest. Among such professionals are: Executives and […]

Manifest Software for Waste Management Companies – Features and Benefits

waste manifest software

The purpose of the EPA’s hazardous waste manifest system is to track hazardous waste from the moment it leaves the generator’s facility until it reaches the waste management facility. From there, the waste is stored, treated or disposed of. The central component of the tracking system is the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest. The EPA and […]

Waste Profile Software – Features and Benefits

Photo of keyboard and using waste profile software

For environmental services providers, the waste profile is a critical document that helps ensure your Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory compliance. Waste profiles are also necessary for clear communication with Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDF). Improper preparation of this document can expose your firm to risks, such as potential EPA fines, staff resource drain, […]

Why Your Company Needs NSF455 Certification

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As a business owner, you have a responsibility to ensure that the products and services your company provides are safe. One way to do this is by obtaining NSF certification for your product. An NSF certification means that a product has been tested for safety by an independent third party and has met its requirements. […]

How Hazardous Waste Disposal Can Impact the Environment

waste disposal impact blog

As chemical, medical, manufacturing, and cannabis companies continue to prosper in mass markets, so does their waste. Tons of waste is produced each year, and the question that conservationists and environmentalists raise is how this waste is being disposed of. Hazardous wastes are waste substances that, if disposed of in the environment, could endanger human […]

Top 5 Waste Management Trends

top aste management trends blog

Waste management is a hot topic today: the presence of landfills and plastic islands in our oceans has alerted the world that there is a serious problem with waste generation today. Luckily, there are numerous ways to effectively and sustainably manage waste, and more are being developed every single day. Here are the current top […]